Converting Print Photos to the Digital Format and Tackling the Duplicate Pictures Problem

The best way to save a memorable moment forever in your memory is to capture that moment in the form of a photograph. All you need to do to relive your past is take a look at those photographs that you have clicked.

This will allow you to go back to that precious moment whenever, even after years have gone through.

In the previous era when technology hadn’t produced Smartphones with excellent cameras or digital cameras, simple reel cameras were used by people to capture their memorable events. The reels in the cameras which are also commonly known as negatives were later sent to the special photo printing shops where they were converted into hard copies. But the downside of this method was that we were never provided with digital copies.

Even though there is nothing more amazing than holding your precious memory in your hands and to look at it while reminiscing the moment, you still need to have a digital copy because having only a physical copy is very risky as it can be easily damaged or misplaced. Certainly, nobody would want that to happen to their precious memories. If you are looking for a way to convert those of your old memories into digital memories then just stick with us to the end as we have the solution to all of your problems.

The first and the most important part of converting your old photos into digital form is to get them scanned first. 

Buy a Decent Scanner

In this modern era, almost every household has a scanner placed somewhere in their house. Not only that, even modern printers have an option to scan documents as well. Once you get the scanner installed properly and it’s up and running, all you need to do is place the photographs in the slot one by one until all of them are converted into digital form. The best thing about this method is that even if your photo isn’t scanned properly the first time, you can always try again, as many times as you desire.

Time and patience are the first two things that this method requires from you and the third one is obviously a “Scanner”.

Even if you don’t have a scanner in your house, you can always order it from eBay or Amazon and the best thing is, it will be delivered to you at your doorstep. It might take some time but remember: by following these steps you are converting your priceless memories into digital form almost free of cost as buying a scanner is a good investment for the future as well.

Scan from Smartphone

With time, technology has changed smartphone cameras drastically so much that a smartphone camera rivals that of a DSLR’s camera in picture quality easily. By using your smartphone’s camera, you can easily convert your physical photos into digital photos in no time at all. Even if by chance your smartphone camera quality is not spectacular, it will still provide you with decent digital photos.

All you need to do is just capture the photo from your smartphone camera and the digitizing process is complete. You can then further improve the quality of pictures from your smartphone by exploring its vast functions like implementing more filters, cropping them according to your needs, adding desired text and stickers, and the best thing is all of that can be done almost instantly.

Furthermore, it also gives you the option of sharing your memories on your social media with just one click. Smartphones also have certain apps which are especially for the scanning purpose like CamScan which has been specially designed for scanning.

 Hire Professional Help

If you are living in such a place where good quality scanners are not easily available or you don’t feel comfortable doing this delicate work by yourself, you can always outsource the job and ask for professional help. It may be somewhat costlier than doing it by yourself but after seeing the results and revisiting those precious memories of yours in a few years, you will definitely come to the conclusion that it was worth it.

Problems you might face:

Once the process of digitization of your pictures is complete, you might face the issue of duplicate photos. It is also possible that you might end up with tons of digital photos and now that you have already spent enough time in the digitization process, you wouldn’t want to delete them one by one and would decide to let them be. Let us warn you, this might slow down your smartphone or computer. But you don’t have to worry about such problems anymore as we have already prepared a solution for that. 

There are lots of tools easily available like PictureEcho which are vastly used all over the world for the removal of duplicate photos. PictureEcho is not only very accurate but also very fast and it will get the job done before you even finish your cup of tea.

With these tips, we hope that you have successfully converted your physical photos into digital ones with success and are feeling the joy of nostalgia by seeing your beautiful memories on your computer or mobile screens, in front of you!

Hello, My name is Vikas. I am a technology enthusiast and have an experience of over 6 years in providing technical support in the form of contributing in technology forums, websites, and blogs. I am working with Sorcim Technologies and writing technical content for the company. You can contact me about the content I wrote. Please send an email to the support team (use the support form) and mention my name in the subject, and ask anything related to the content I wrote.


Hello, My name is Vikas. I am a technology enthusiast and have an experience of over 6 years in providing technical support in the form of contributing in technology forums, websites, and blogs. I am working with Sorcim Technologies and writing technical content for the company. You can contact me about the content I wrote. Please send an email to the support team (use the support form) and mention my name in the subject, and ask anything related to the content I wrote.