How to Fix Broken Windows Updates?

Windows updates are important to ensure that it runs flawlessly. The updates are meant to improve security and replace any old files that might cause a problem in the future.

Sometimes, these updates can do more harm than good and you will have to try out different fixes to solve the issue. These fixes will help deal with different issues related to Windows updates that you might encounter in the long run. Let’s discuss.

Restart and Try Running the Update Again

In some cases, the update will simply fail to upload. Most of the time, the reason behind it is that there are two updates waiting. If there is a servicing stack update, Windows will have to reboot before the next update is installed. It is as simple as that.

Also, there can be several other factors that hinder the update process. An app might be interfering with the Windows update. Having said that, restarting your PC might help.

Try Windows Update Troubleshooter

Microsoft provides a Windows Update Troubleshooter to help fix any update issue. It is a handy tool that makes it easy for the user to get the updates up and running back again. Search for Fix and fix problems with Windows Update in the search box and select it from the search results.

Unless you need to adjust Advanced Settings, simply click the Next button to initiate the diagnostics. However, if you plan to use the Advance settings, make sure that you log-in as an admin.

Pause Updates

Another tested method to solve the broken Windows update issue is by pausing the updates. In order to accomplish that you will need to visit Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and click on the Advanced Options button.

Search for the Pause option and slide it the Off position and then restart your computer. Directing the Windows to pause the updates will clear all the downloaded updates.

Now restart Windows Update and it shall work. If it doesn’t help, move onto the next solution.

Delete the Software Distribution Directory

Although it can be a bit surprising but some users have solved the broken Windows Update issue by deleting the software distribution directory. If the troubleshooter fails to work, you should simply delete the older update files. To do this, you will need to restart your machine in Safe Mode. The reason behind it is that you don’t want any application to run in the background while you’re fixing the Update issue.

Once the Safe Mode is enabled, you need to open up File Explorer and delete the SoftwareDistribution folder.

Skip the Update

If nothing else works, you might want to skip the update. This is because sometimes Microsoft rolls out problematic updates and there is nothing much you can do about it. So the best way to solve the issue is by avoiding the update. Maybe you can try again in a few days or months when Microsoft fixes the issue.

Final Word

When it comes to fixing the broken Windows update problems, you can try following the tips mentioned above. Hopefully, you will be able to get the updates running again but if you don’t, skip the Update and keep a lookout for additional possible fixes that might help solve the issue.