File Renamer Basic Features, Review and Alternative

Renaming files and folders is a crucial task to keep your files organized at all times. If you’ve got a large chunk of files stored in a disorganized manner, it becomes difficult to search for them. Renaming makes it easier to locate the right file when you need it the most. For businesses, keeping files in an orderly manner helps better collaboration between teams, and share files with little effort.

File Renamer Basic

File Renamer Basic is a file renamer and file management application for Windows. The key features of File Renamer Basic are a file renaming utility, a batch file copy/ move tool, and photo tags editor.


  • Appearance: File Renamer Basic has a Ribbon-based interface similar to that of Microsoft Office. The tree viewer control lets you select your desired folders to easily add files for renaming.
  • Large previews: While renaming files, it’s often important to preview their contents. File Renamer Basic has a large previewer functionality.
  • Undo functionality: Mistakenly or incorrectly renamed your files? Simply undo your action and your original file names will be restored.
  • File renaming rules: With File Renamer Basic, you’re restricted to a handful of file renaming rules. You can choose from a file renaming rule of your choice, for example, add text in the beginning, middle or end of your file names, add separator character, or change file extensions, etc.
  • Filtering: File filtering functionality lets you view only specific files of your choice at a time.
  • File sort: You can sort your files using various parameters including name, and file properties.
  • Saved profiles: We often need to perform repetitive tasks. If you need to rename the same set of files and folders at a later point in time, create a profile and save it for the future.
  • Edit photo files EXIF data: Do you have lots of photos? Your photos may contain various kinds of descriptive EXIF metadata. This includes photo orientation, color map, tile length, tile width, tile offsets, target printer, image ratings, exposure time, exposure program, brightness, shutter speed, noise level, author, subject, keyword, copyrights, etc. You can edit some of these EXIF data of your photos using the File Renamer Basic tool.
  • EXIF data search: Another unique feature about File Search Basic is its ability to search for information inside your file’s metadata.
  • User Manual: File Renamer Basic comes with a user manual that demonstrates how to perform various renaming operations with required screenshots.


Easy File Renamer – Best Alternative to File Renamer Basic

Easy File Renamer is a feature-rich utility and a strong alternative to File Renamer Basic. EFR offers various features that are unavailable in the File Renamer Basic.


Cloud File Renamer

These days, almost everyone uses at least one cloud account. If you’re regularly uploading your documents and files to the cloud, there’s a way to rename them with Easy File Renamer. EFR supports renaming files on multiple cloud platforms including OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, etc.


File Renaming Rules

While File Renamer Basic offers only a handful of file renaming rules, Easy File Renamer offers a wide range of renaming rules. For example: New name, remove, replace, insert at, add prefix, add suffix, add numbering, change case, swap text, etc.


Bulk Move & Copy Files

Manually moving or copying files can be a painful job if your files are scattered across multiple directories. Moreover, there’s always a chance an error might pop up if a file or directory with the same name already exists. Thanks to EFR, you can prevent such errors and smoothly copy/ move large files with little effort.


Edit MP3/ ID3 File Tags

EFR offers functionality to batch edit the MP3 tags of your music files. Music tags are descriptive metadata about your music file, such as album, artist, bit rate, etc.



If your files are not organized in a proper directory structure, it can cause a lot of confusion and contribute to clutter in your file system. With too many files scattered across multiple locations without no apparent reason, it becomes difficult to find the right file. EFR helps you stay organized and efficient by creating an orderly folder structure by the date of creation/ modification. You can also choose your desired date pattern (such as MM/DD/YYYY).


Easy File Renamer Rules

  • Prefix: Add a text at the beginning of each file name.
  • Suffix: Add a text at the end of each file name, either before the file extension or after the file extension.
  • Remove text: Remove specific characters from your file names.
  • Replace text: Overwrite specific characters from your file names.
  • Swap case: Swaps the position of characters before and after a specific separator character.
  • Insert At: Add a new text in the middle of the existing file name at a specified character position.
  • Trim: Remove specific characters from your file names, either at the beginning or end.
  • Numbering: Add numbering to your files. You can also add separators before the file numbering (such as – or _ ).
  • Upper case: Convert the file name into uppercase letters
  • Lower case: Convert the file name into lower letters
  • Title case: Convert the file text into title case (typically, used for headings)


Good File Name Ideas

Here are some tips to rename your files efficiently:

  • Descriptive file names are helpful to identify the nature and content of the file even without opening it.
  • Short and simple file names are readable and don’t lead to confusion
  • Keeping a consistent pattern of file names is helpful for the longer term. For example: Use a specific date format such as DD-MM-YY to keep file names consistent at all times.

Raza Ali Kazmi works as an editor and technology content writer at Sorcim Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. He loves to pen down articles on a wide array of technology related topics and has also been diligently testing software solutions on Windows & Mac platforms.

Raza Ali Kazmi

Raza Ali Kazmi works as an editor and technology content writer at Sorcim Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. He loves to pen down articles on a wide array of technology related topics and has also been diligently testing software solutions on Windows & Mac platforms.