Sync Error 0x80048830 Windows 10 Mail

Windows 10 continues to win hearts and minds of users, no matter which version of it they’re using. However, it has numerous problems attached to it which came to the fore since it got rolled out. Some of them were fixed within the first few days, but other continue to linger on till now. Error 0x80048830 is one such error. It needs special treatment as well.

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Cleaning Duplicate Files in Microsoft OneDrive

Important Announcement: Web-App to Fix OneDrive Dupes

We, at Sorcim Technologies, have introduced our flagship web-service, Cloud Duplicate Finder, which can scan your OneDrive cloud and weed out duplicate files on the cloud. This will save your time because you are not required to download the data to your computer. The process is safe, fast and accurate. Use OneDrive Duplicate File finder online now!


Desktop Method? 

You can still use the traditional method to scan OneDrive. This method involves two approaches: one is to do all the operations manually; the second option is to use a downloadable software such as Clone Files Checker which has the module to scan OneDrive cloud.

More and more users are opting for cloud storage with every passing day. This helps them stay assured about the data’s safety, privacy as well as the comfort to fetch their data from any corner of the world with the help of their password and a decent internet connection.

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