Finding Duplicate MP3 & MP4 Files in iTunes

One of the most popular Apple music players, iTunes not only automatically synchronizes all the new tracks but also transfers all playlists to your iPod, iPad, iPhone or laptop.  The feature of synchronization, however, is optional so you can also turn it off as per your preference. With iTunes, you can build a smart playlist based on the parameters of rating, singer, genre, and release, etc. With the recently launched iTunes store, you can also view your preferred TV shows and buy content online.

Checking for Duplicate Audio Files

The iTunes music player is very flexible as it offers ease of use to both its Windows and Mac users alike. Since this software can conveniently play multiple video and audio content it makes it very easy for you to populate your music library based on your preferences.

Sometimes the downloaded files do not consist of complete attributions which is why they often come under Enjoy the name of the website from which they have been downloaded. This can cause a scenario of duplication because if in future the duplicate of this song appears you would not be able to delete it based attribution from a different website.

So in such a scenario how would you determine if a music file is duplicated or not? Manual checking methods not only require a lot of time but also lack accuracy. So in order to overcome this issue the only way forward is to use some specialized file scanner which scans through all your iTunes content in a speedy manner. 

For this purpose, one of the most widely used softwares is the Clone Files Checker as it exactly does that.  This particular software is artificially intelligent so it works on almost all different types of files. In this article, though, we will discuss only the duplicate video and music files on iTunes. The clone files checker is a very powerful tool that allows you to get rid of duplicate iTunes files in just a few seconds. This software uses hash algorithms in order to scan the MP3 and MP4 content of iTunes you can get accurate results with a quick scan.

Using Clone Files Checker to Find Duplicate Music and Video Files

  1. To start the process download the Clone Files Checker on your Personal Computer from and install the complete program on your system with process completion Wizard when the process is completed launch the software.
  2. On the main user interface, you can select the tab of iTunes Search. Upon clicking, a popup will appear on the screen and you will be informed that CFC searches for duplicates on the basis of music tags.
  3. Since the software is automatically designed to select the music library of iTunes when you enter the Search Mode of iTunes, you are not required to add any iTunes music library for the screen as you can proceed directly
  4. On the next screen select your preferred tags in music and compare them to the identical music files. Please note that you can also add filters of size based files but that feature is optional
  5. Once the selections have been made start the search to launch duplicate files scan. While the process is being carried out, you will also have the option to monitor and check the progress on your screen. 
  6. Upon completion, you will find the results of the scan are classified into several groups where it is group response to a file and its copies discovered during the file scan. 
  7. With the functionality of an in-house preview, you can also preview the videos and audios without launching each file separately via any external player.  
  8. Once the scan is completed you can manually review these MP3 and MP4 files and deselect the files you wish to keep.