YouTube MP3 Recorder for Windows 10- Features Explained

It is seldom that you find an ideal software that allows you to record YouTube audio and convert it into MP3 and MPEG-4 formats. When it comes to finding such software, you are bound to put in hours of research and trials. Luckily, we have got something for you that will perfectly suit your needs. Let us discuss what it has to offer, especially when it comes to creating YouTube MP3 files.

YouTube MP3 Recorder

There was a time when even simply recording YouTube audio was a daunting task, let alone conversions. Not every software possesses the ability to record and convert files while maintaining the quality. However, Wondershare Streaming Audio Recorder is one software that does this job perfectly. The process of recording and converting YouTube audio to MP3 is as easy as it can get. Let’s discuss it briefly.

The first thing you need to do is to download WonderShare Streaming Audio Recorder. It is available for both Windows and Mac. Though it is a paid software, it offers a free trial to try and test it. 

Once you have downloaded the software, launch it. 

After launching the program, you will come across a very user-friendly interface. Almost without any delay, you can start  recording instantly.

To record a YouTube video, visit YouTube and locate the video you wish to record. As soon as the video starts playing, WonderShare Streaming Audio Recorder will automatically record it. Once your entire video is recorded, it will split the tracks.

WonderShare Streaming Audio Recorder will display the files/ tracks in the “Library” section as seen in the screenshot below.

Don’t forget to change the program settings to ensure your YouTube audio recordings are stored in the MP3 format. Open the “Settings”. In the “Settings” section, click on “Format”. Select the “Output Format’. The output format should be set to “MP3-MPEG”. 

Additionally, you can select your desired Bit Rate. WonderShare Streaming Audio Recorder also lets you create Ringtones easily.

Once you are done converting the files/ tracks, you can visit the WonderShare created folder to listen to your audio files or share them with others.

There you have it. WonderShare Streaming Audio Recorder did everything within just a few minutes. Since the trial version limits recordings, you will need to purchase the software if you plan to use it for unlimited YouTube recordings.

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Hello, My name is Vikas. I am a technology enthusiast and have an experience of over 6 years in providing technical support in the form of contributing in technology forums, websites, and blogs. I am working with Sorcim Technologies and writing technical content for the company. You can contact me about the content I wrote. Please send an email to the support team (use the support form) and mention my name in the subject, and ask anything related to the content I wrote.