How to Use Dolby Atmos in Windows 10?

Dolby Atmos is a proprietary technology developed by Dolby Laboratories. Dolby Atmos presents sound in a 360 degree audio bubble. It has completely re-engineered the way sound waves were previously handled and presented in the home theatres and other audio instruments. It provides superior listening experience with up-or-down speakers to please your ears. It is a new audio format, in contrast to stereo which is restricted to just two audio channels. Dolby Atmos collects sound from a pre-recorded audio file and converts it in an immersive manner.

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Senior Picture Ideas: How to Snap Excellent Pictures of Your Elders

The elderly of the family always share a special bond with everyone. No matter how old you get, you’ll remain the same cute little child for them. As they grow older, they expect (and deserve) the same love and affection that they might have showered unto you with when you were younger.

One simple way to spend some quality time with your elderly (for example: grandparents) is to plan a shoot for them. Not only will this elevate them but it will help you capture amazing emotions into pictures that could be preserved for several generations.

To learn about some witty ideas for clicking pictures of your elders, read below!

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How To Use Robocopy In Windows 10

Robocopy is a powerful command-line in Windows operating system that allows users to copy files, folders and partitions. It was first introduced in the Windows NT operating system as part of a resource kit in late 1993. It was continued in later versions such as Windows 2000, Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 10. Although it was not part of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, users always had an option to independently download an official toolkit from the Microsoft Download Center.

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Best FTP Backup Software

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. The technology allows anyone with an Internet connection to securely connect to an FTP server through a web browser or a specialized FTP client software. A valid log-in credential is required for example: FTP server address, port number, username and password.

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What’s New on Netflix USA, February 2019 Listings?

Today, binge-watching television shows or exploring different movies and documentaries on Netflix is a favorite activity of many. In order to keep their audience engaged and glued to their screens, Netflix keeps bringing new content on the floor regularly. Following the same trend, Netflix has brought a substantial amount of enthralling content this month too. Read on to find out what’s new on Netflix this time.

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