Extract & Save Specific Pages from PDFs

PDF files are frequently used in various fields and are considered an international technical standard today. Most courts around the world only permit PDF formats for official files. PDF files have several advantages over other file formats. For instance, it is impossible to edit a PDF file without leaving behind a digital footprint. 

Additionally, PDF files appear the same everywhere, regardless of the device or software used to view them. Contrary to other formats such as word documents, the font style, line spacings, or other general formattings of PDFs do not distort when they are shared over the internet or opened on different devices. 

There are several ways to extract specific pages out of a PDF document. Let’s discuss some of the free & paid ways. 

Method 1: Nitro Pro [Paid]

You can extract specific pages of your PDF file using Nitro Pro as well.

  1. After launching Nitro Pro, open the PDF containing the pages you would like to extract 
  2. Head to the left sidebar and click on the Pages button.
  3. Hold the Ctrl key and select the pages that you wish to extract. 
  4. Click on Extract Pages after right-clicking the selected pages 
  5. Click on Extract in the pop-up box that appears

Method 2: Adobe Acrobat DC [Paid]

Adobe Acrobat DC is an outstanding technical tool that allows you to instantly extract multiple pages of your file, without affecting the quality of your page. The only downside is that it is a paid solution. To use Adobe to extract pages:

  1. Launch Adobe Acrobat DC and open the PDF document from where you wish to extract the pages.
  2. Click on the Tools bar, and choose Organize Pages. You can also choose the Organize Pages icon from the ride side panel.
  3. Click on Extract.
  4. Select the pages that you would like to extract. Mention the page number (for e.g 9) or choose from a variety of options such as odd/even pages or horizontal/vertical pages. Use the All pages option to extract all the pages from your file. 

Optional: To delete pages from the initial file after extracting the pages, select Delete pages. Optional: Use the Extract pages as separate files option to extract the pages into separate files. 

  1. Click on Extract.

Method 3: Google Chrome [Free]

Whether your file is saved locally on your device or online, Google Chrome is another easy way to extract pages from a PDF file. 

  1. Open your PDF file in Google Chrome
  • If the PDF file is stored on the web, enter the complete address to the PDF document to open it 
  • If it is stored on your device, right click on your file and select Open with Google Chrome 
  1. Click on the Print icon 
  2. Click Save as PDF in the Destination drop-down box 
  3. Use the custom option in the Pages drop down box to extract specific pages or choose All to extract and save the whole file 
  4. If you opt for the Custom option, input the range of the pages you would like to extract. For example, if you wish to extract pages from Page #6 till Page #9, enter 6-9 as the range
  5. Click on Save
  6. State a name for your PDF file and click Save

Method 4: Online Tools [Free]

There are several easy-to-use web-based tools that allow users to perform simple PDF related tasks such as PDF splitting, page numbering, page rotating, deleting specific pages, format converting etc.

  1. Head to  https://smallpdf.com/split-pdf.
  2. Drag and drop your PDF file to upload it to the website. You can also click on Choose Files and directly upload your PDF file
  3. Once the file is uploaded, click on Extract Pages
  4. Click on Extract 
  5. The tool would display a preview of the pages, making it simple to select them. Click on the checkboxes on the upper left corner of the preview to select specific pages to extract 
  6. Then click Extract 
  7. To save the document to your device, click on Download. Small PDF also allows users to directly save the extracted pdf pages to their cloud storage services such as Google Drive or Dropbox. To do so, click on the drop down menu icon and select amongst the given options such as “Save to Drive”, “Save to dropbox”, etc. 

Caution: Although web-based tools are quick and straightforward to use, they do come with great security or privacy concern. As users, it is impossible to know whether the tool stores your PDF documents on its servers and whether the team behind the scenes has access to those files or not. If a tool/website uses HTTP, instead of secure HTTPS, it is very easy for intruders to monitor your live traffic and gain access to your shared files. Hence, it is advised to not use free, web-based tools, especially for important personal documents such as passport copies or job contracts etc.